
Slam jammin' that bush. This guy is going to pound that bush until the cops show up.

 Sir? Have you had any bush tonight? 

Well! I had the one, but only for a minute.

 Sir? Do you realize this is you sixth offense of aggravated assault of a bush? 

Yeah! I think I have a problem, I'll seek help immediately. 

You'll be doing it from jail. This is going to be 90 days in county.

 Shit! I don't suppose there's any bush in there hey?

I salute the man for his interestin, or maybe it's obsession with bush. Whatever the case he's a bush lovin' nigga like me.


MacKenzie has grown a pretty impressive bush for modern times but she wouldn't fare very well if she was pitted against a gal from the 80s. She would suffer an even more crushing defeat if she were to step in the ring with a 70s girl.

Those were real bushes. You had to have 3 extra inches of dick just to get through them. Some even had Japenese soldiers living in them that didn't know the war was over.


Hazel Rose fucks some creepy pervert she met at the park. It's good to see a real bush sometimes. I see a lot of these porn chicks with half of their bush shaved off and I move on to the next picture or video. I say either grow a full, luscious bush or shave it nice and clean. No in between

 The ones I hate the most are those little strips of hair sometimes called landing strips. I call them shit streaks. It looks to me like they wiped their asses backward and left a streak of shit up the front of their pussies.


I noticed the chicks wirh full bushes are proud of them. They are almost like a fucking bush cult. They seek out other bush growers and their hairy cunts are like their god and religion. Nothing wrong with getting a bush cult rolling. I would especially support them if they tried to recruit me into the cult. I have to imagine they would give out some samples to lure you in.


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